Tag Archives: Hair Stories

Hair like Logic like Good Design

Ever sit on the train behind a person and eyes wandering from book feeding your gaze out the window watering back bleeding into head-bound conversation and out strands of thought twirling and knotting sometimes together and head shaking out the reverie    your eyes land on the man in front of you, recently shorn or just likes […]

One strand a sentence // Hair and writing

Hair might record and by extension, tell. Spin a tale of chemistry, the ingested or indigestible. A full head of hair the symbol of  youth or health. Hair thin and dull another sort of tale. But what of Hair and Death? Hair and loss? Hair loss? The stopping of the half-thought, un-sentenced form clumped and holding there in your […]

Come check out this Feminist Hair Wear!

This afternoon, at 4:30pm, we are proud to share with you all a selection of artist books and rare ephemera from the Joan Flasch Artist Book Collection at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. We will be convening at the MacLean Ballroom Balcony to enjoy light snacks, a short reading of texts involving […]