Tag Archives: artist

My Crazy Hair // Offshoots and Outgrowths

In researching Neil Gaiman’s My Crazy Hair, I stumbled upon the delightful drawings of artist Marian Boo, whose interpretations of this singular fable remind us of the myriad textural opportunities we have when it comes to rendering hair. Her illustrations offer a bright contrast to the original as the hair proceeds in a continuous swirling mass […]

Jeanne Dunning // Currently on view at the MCA Chicago

(detail) (detail)

Hair and Death // the photographs of Cathrine Ertmann [warning: potentially difficult material]

Refinery29 features photographs by artist Cathrine Ertmann, a rare and arresting look into the world of the deceased. Her accompanying text is particularly effective, including certain facts about hair: In a death-trend most of us know as rigor mortis, muscular tension and subsequent freezing begins in the neck. What can often occur then is that muscles surrounding the […]


There is a ghost that lives in the glass house. She was known as Wellym long ago, since modernized to Velum, but her friends call her Vel for short. When she lived in the forest, her hair grew long and wild, and she subsisted on a diet of hibiscus, Angelica, black sesame, tear grass, and […]

Nico Gardner- “sink”

http://vimeo.com/64653941 check out some of Nico Gardner’s other work at: http://vimeo.com/user14263086/videos/all

Did you know…

The study of beards is called Pogonology? Best illustrated in this book by artist-illustrator Aine Cassidy called The Book of Pogonology A-Z, a few pages of which reproduced below, explicated on his website here.

One strand a sentence // Hair and writing

Hair might record and by extension, tell. Spin a tale of chemistry, the ingested or indigestible. A full head of hair the symbol of  youth or health. Hair thin and dull another sort of tale. But what of Hair and Death? Hair and loss? Hair loss? The stopping of the half-thought, un-sentenced form clumped and holding there in your […]

Amy Cutler // Narrative, Imaginative Hair and Festive Headgear

Amy Cutler | Hair Mill | 2007 | graphite on paper Amy Cutler Dinner Party | 2006 | oil on canvas Amy Cutler Provisions | 2008 watercolor on paper