Monthly Archives: November 2014


There is a ghost that lives in the glass house. She was known as Wellym long ago, since modernized to Velum, but her friends call her Vel for short. When she lived in the forest, her hair grew long and wild, and she subsisted on a diet of hibiscus, Angelica, black sesame, tear grass, and […]

Stylist Who Spends Every Sunday Cutting Hair For Homeless

An article from Huffington Post on Mark Bustos, the stylist. And Mark Bustos’ instagram account:

The Sacred, Sacrosanct Space of Hair

This highly fashion-magazine-ized look into the fascinating world of contemporary Hasidism from Refinery29 raises the question of hair as a sacred or sacrosanct space // cheesy wrap-up maxims, surface-skimmed issues of body and faith, what it means to be feminine, beauty shots and all // I do appreciate the glimpse, though. In particular what the video has […]

Nico Gardner- “sink” check out some of Nico Gardner’s other work at:

[VOICES] A brief interlude with poet Marie Howe

from her poem “The Meadow,” Bedeviled, / human, your plight, in waking, is to choose from the words / that even now sleep on your tongue, and to know that tangled / among them and terribly new is the sentence that could change your life.

Hair like Logic like Good Design

Ever sit on the train behind a person and eyes wandering from book feeding your gaze out the window watering back bleeding into head-bound conversation and out strands of thought twirling and knotting sometimes together and head shaking out the reverie    your eyes land on the man in front of you, recently shorn or just likes […]