Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hair Descriptions in Sign Language

  the things one thinks about when one is supposed to be writing a paper…

Part me like a comb

To introduce this month’s topic of Hair in Mythology and Cautionary Tale, I offer a meditation on Hair in Literature. Part me like a comb. Follow the strand like breadcrumbs like toes balanced rope taught between two fragile points, pulling hand over hand through a dense fog toward The End. The letting and the letting […]


Hey folks! Convene with us on SEPTEMBER 30th FROM 4:30-6:00pm at the SULLIVAN GALLERIES at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (7th Floor Sullivan) for an introductory evening of HAIR HAIR HAIR !! (and booze!) Michal Lynn, Kelly and Suzanne will kick off a year of programming, introduce monthly research topics and themes, […]


Greetings, wide world of hirsute pursuers of internet information! For the next nine months, we are HAIR CLUB, your friendly neighborhood scholars across the disciplinary boundaries of Painting, Visual and Critical Studies, Writing, Literature, Fashion, and History. Broadcasting direct from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and made possible by the EAGER Grant […]